The Seven Churches (Part Two): Interpretations
Bible Study by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Traditionally, the modern church of God has taught that the seven churches of Revelation 2-3 are types of seven successive eras from apostolic times to Christ's return. Is this a valid belief? Does the Bible support such an interpretation? Richard Ritenbaugh discusses how the church-eras interpretation compares to three other readings of these enigmatic letters.
The Lamb of Revelation (Part One)
'Prophecy Watch' by David C. Grabbe
Nothing is as cute and innocent as a little lamb. When people think of Christ as a lamb, these attributes bleed over into their conception of the Son of God. Yet, in Revelation, we see a far different the Lamb of God, one of wrath and judgment. David Grabbe focuses on an overlooked aspect of the lamb as a biblical symbol: as playing a significant role in redemption.
Elisha, the Young Men, and the She-Bears
'Ready Answer' by Ted E. Bowling
The prophet Elisha's encounter with the youths of Bethel poses a problem for some Bible readers. Elisha's curse and the subsequent she-bear attack seem excessive to critics. How could a prophet of God act with such cruel vengeance against mere children? Ted Bowling examines what the text of II Kings 2:23-24 actually relates versus what people assume it says.
A Truth About Revelation 2 and 3
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
The church of God has long taught that the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 refer to seven church eras from the apostles' day to Christ's return. While such an interpretation may be possible, the Bible itself does not indicate anything of the sort. John Ritenbaugh provides evidence from Revelation that the primary interpretation concerns all the churches extant during the end time.
A Matter of Trust
'World Watch' by Joseph B. Baity
After decades of speculation on its impact on society - some dismissive, some dystopian - artificial intelligence (AI) is now a reality. Early users of AI chatbots have found them useful for various basic tasks, but the potential for societal disruption exists. Joseph Baity gathers the insights of several experts in the field who voice concerns about how this developing technology could be used harmfully in the coming years.
The Seven Churches (Part One): Overview
Bible Study by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
The seven churches of Revelation 2-3 have intrigued Bible readers for centuries. Were they simply seven historical churches in Asia, do they represent eras from the first century to the end time, or do they have more immediate relevance to us today? Richard Ritenbaugh asks and answers some introductory questions about this fascinating section of the New Testament's premier prophetic book.
The Fugitive Folk of Jacob's Trouble
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles Whitaker
Old Testament Hebrew contains more than a handful of words that describe scattering, shattering, or dispersing. God uses several of these words in significant prophecies describing the scatterings of Israel and Judah and the far worse scattering during Jacob's Trouble. Charles Whitaker explains the differences between these words and their impact on our understanding of how terrible the coming scattering will be.
How Does Faith Establish the Law? (Part Two)
'Ready Answer' by David C. Grabbe
For some theologians, certain Bible verses like Romans 3:31 are hard to ignore, but they do their best to avoid acknowledging their plain meanings. Much of nominal Christianity teaches that God's law has been done away, yet the apostle Paul contends that faith in Christ's sacrifice for sin actually confirms it! David Grabbe explains how justification by faith is a natural extension of the true purpose of the law.
What Sin Does
Article by John W. Ritenbaugh
Too many people today discount the idea of sin, considering it an invention of the clergy to control their flocks. But the sin in this world is driven by the attitudes of Satan, the Adversary of God and man, and it is the cause of the misery and destruction we witness everywhere. John Ritenbaugh catalogs the destructive power of sin, urging Christians to reject it and embrace the constructive righteousness of God.
The Formula for Overcoming
Article by David F. Maas
When setting out to achieve a goal - especially significant and overarching ones - most of us fall prey to a common problem: We find ourselves intimidated and perhaps depressed by its seeming impossibility to reach. But there is an easy, proven formula for accomplishing even the loftiest goals, like overcoming sin and growing in God's character. Dr. David Maas provides a surefire method we can use to achieve even the most difficult of life's tasks.
Passover of the Most High God
'Ready Answer' by David C. Grabbe
Among God's many names and titles is one that proclaims His supremacy over all others: "Most High God" or "God Most High." It is first used when Melchizedek meets Abram after his victory over the kings who had taken Lot and his family captive. David Grabbe traces the usage of this divine name through the Bible, illustrating how it should give us confidence in God's governance of our lives.
Article by Mike Ford
Anyone who has traveled around the American Southeast has driven past kudzu-covered trees, fields, and telephone poles - or anything not fast enough to move out of its way! Drawing an analogy between the invasive, fast-growing kudzu and the thorns in the Parable of the Sower, Mike Ford shows how we must "weed out" detrimental habits that choke our lives and hinder us from producing godly fruit.
Who Is America's Greatest Enemy?
'World Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
In the wake of a pandemic, war, and inflation, global conditions have worsened considerably over the past few years. At the same time, the United States, the world's superpower, finds itself divided and weakened by internal troubles. Richard Ritenbaugh analyzes America's enemies, foreign and domestic, and comes to a disturbing conclusion.
The Model Prayer (Part Nine): Kingdom, Power, Glory
Bible Study by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
While some scholars doubt the authenticity of the final, glorifying clause of the Model Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), it is theologically sound and would have been expected in the first century. It has parallels throughout God's Word. Richard Ritenbaugh explains that the prayer's doxology returns the focus to God and leaves the petitioner confident in God's ability to fulfill his requests.
What Sin Is
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Over the last half-century, sin has gone out of vogue. In the secular public's mind, it is a religious matter and not something of much consequence. But it matters a great deal to God because it is not only the cause of all the misery in the world but also the reason humanity is so far from Him. John Ritenbaugh explains the basics of sin and what God wants us to do about it.
Waxing Cold
'Prophecy Watch' by John Reiss
We live in a time of turmoil when, as Jesus predicted, "nation will rise against nation." Perhaps we even become angry at seeing so much injustice and lawlessness ruin our society. As Christ's return nears, one thing we must not do is allow our love to grow cold. John Reiss provides strategies to maintain and even grow in love toward God and fellow man while the world descends into chaos.
How Does Faith Establish the Law? (Part One)
'Ready Answer' by David C. Grabbe
When a moving song comes on the radio or our playlist, we sing with gusto the lyrics we know and mumble or hum the rest. Many Christians read the Bible the same way, readily agreeing with the parts that fit their beliefs but ignoring or even rejecting those that bother them. In this light, David Grabbe considers the apostle Paul's writings, in which, Peter warns, "are some things hard to understand."
American Education: A System Destroyed
'World Watch' by Joseph B. Baity
The American educational system used to be the envy of the world, but federal centralization and liberal policies have led to classroom chaos and low rankings compared to other nations' systems. While excellent schools created a vibrant economy and innovation, the now-fractured U.S. educational system bodes ill for the future. Joseph Baity sketches the timeline of its lamentable destruction.
The Model Prayer (Part Eight): Testing and Deliverance
Bible Study by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
The Model Prayer's final request, "And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one" (Matthew 6:13), appears to imply that the Father tempts us from time to time. But the apostle James is clear that God never tempts anyone (James 1:13). Richard Ritenbaugh explains that this controversial request is a victim of poor word choice by its translators, hiding an encouraging message of divine mercy and support.
All in All
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
The apostle Paul uses the enigmatic phrase "all in all" a handful of times in his epistles. It is an expression of the fantastic oneness that the Father and Christ are working to produce in the people God has chosen. John Ritenbaugh explains how Christians play their parts in unifying the Body of Christ and preparing for an eternity of oneness in the Kingdom of God.