What Do You Do in the Dark?
Article by Mike Ford
Character has been defined as "what you do in the dark." It is what you are when no one else can see you. Mike Ford uses the story of Joseph in Potiphar's house to extract some lessons about character.
The Scourge of AIDS and the Sacrifice of Christ
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
AIDS and all its ramifications on society impacts the church too. John Ritenbaugh discusses what he has learned about this dreaded disease, as well as showing us how Christ's sacrifice applies in this situation.
Europe Steps to the Right
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
In 1993 many of the governments in Europe turned conservative, leading to speculation that Europeans were ready for a leader to step up to solve their problems. Could this be a forerunner to the Beast rising?
Standing Up for God
Article by Staff
Standing up against the majority is never easy, but as Christians, we have been called to do just that. We need to grow in courage until we "are bold as a lion" (Proverbs 28:1)!
Judging Our Brothers
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
The subject of judging is a sensitive one in this age. Is it proper for Christians to judge matters? What does the Bible say on the matter?
On Your Marks . . . Get Set . . . Go!
Article by Charles Whitaker
Jumping the gun and going offside are infractions that have spiritual counterparts. We do not want to be guilty of moving before God does. So what should we be doing in the meantime?
Respect or Respect of Persons?
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
What is the proper balance between respecting someone and showing respect of persons? Is formality among church members necessary? Desirable? How should Christians treat each other in this area?
Wars and Rumors of Wars
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Increased war is one of the signs of the end, as Jesus shows in Matthew 24. What is the pace of war in this century? Is the world becoming more peaceful or more violent?
Our Calling - The Work of God
Article by Staff
Herbert Armstrong wrote that his work was finished, but the work of the church continues. What is our work today? What is God's Work? This article discusses where the church's energies need to be focused now.
Get the Church Ready!
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
What should the church be doing during this time of scattering and doctrinal confusion? What did Herbert Armstrong say must be done? Is the gospel limited to preaching to the unconverted?
The Bear Looks Eastward
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Richard Ritenbaugh surveys the situation in Russia in 1993 and sees a movement away from the West and toward Asia.
Facing Change: A Lesson from I Kings 13
Article by John O. Reid
Using the story of God's prophet in I Kings 13, John Reid derives several lessons we can apply in this time of doctrinal confusion.
Here's to Your Good Health!
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Maintaining good health is a vital part of our duty to glorify God in our bodies. We should study health and ourselves so we can keep the temple of the Holy Spirit healthy and do good for others.
Europe: A Prescription for Revolution
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
The waning days of 1992 saw circumstances in Europe in a precarious state. Even now, Europe is ripe for a leader who can bring all the disparate parties and ideologies together. What will it take to bring the Beast to power?
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
Article by J. Edwin Pope
Meekness is not the most sought after of character traits, but it is a necessary one for Christians. Edwin Pope defines meekness, giving three steps to developing it in our lives.
Was Mr. Armstrong an Apostle?
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Many have asked this question since the Worldwide Church of God began to break up. John Ritenbaugh explains what an apostle is and then checks to see how Herbert Armstrong measured up.
More Than a Game of Chinese Checkers
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
China, the Asian "sleeping giant", has awakened and begun to make its presence felt in world politics. Could this be a precursor to the sixth trumpet plague of Revelation 9:13-19?
Whose Family Values?
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Family values has become an important topic in America today. Whose family values should we hold and follow? Is there any indication that we will return to good and right values?
Reuben Sandwiched?
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
The French nation narrowly ratified the Maastricht Treaty in late 1992. This narrow vote typifies the biblical impression of the tribe of Reuben as an ambivalent people.
Of Goals and Gales
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
This month's column lends itself to explaining its purpose and goals. We hope to put at ease those who may think we cry, 'Look here! or 'Look there!'